Define Stop Meaning

To cease a motion.

You stop moving motherfucker you dropped your wallet.
By Sukey
To halt or end (temporarily or permanently).

Stop your car!!!
Stop hitting your brother or else I will stop the car.
Stop hitting your brother or else I will kill you.
By Stephana
To cease doing an activity.

James and Brenda stopped dating because James slept with her sister.
By Jessica
A reply to a comment or story thats hard to believe or funny.

He and his wife were checking into rooms at the same time with different people!

Reply: STOP!

I broke my arm when I fell out of bed last night!
Reply: STOP!
By Cherey

By Kellsie
1) To cease an activity.

2) A place of interest during travel.

Stop stabbing Michael in the eye with a crayon, young man, you're in third grade now.

Our next stop on the way to Cornhole, Iowa, will be the world's largest ball of twine!
By Devi
To cease do what you are currently doing.

By Diane-Marie

After he properly stopped at the stop sign the cop pulled him over and slapped him with a ticket.
By Alfie
The process in which one becomes stationary from a moving state.

I av stopped because of the Stop sign.
I do not stop for anybody.
By Ashly
the opposite of go, to cease movement

She was so scared that her heart stopped.
By Thekla