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Stupid People Overload"
(Population boom & bust cycles in homo sapiens)
Humanity is the only species which seeks the favor of its own predator.
Sad to say, I think these sorts of tyrannies and revolts are cyclical: In times of peace and abundance, the percentage of morons in the general population increases (with implications for democracy which you can well imagine). And as sure as
Ambrose Bierce described (in "The Devil's Dictionary") the vote as the route by which a freeman makes a fool of himself and a wreck of his country, they
soon come to ruin by electing slavemasters over their own heads. Then follows a period of oppression which the smart see coming and flee, and the remainder are ground into hamburger. Supporting my assumption are statistics drawn from the work "IQ in the
Meritocracy": The post-WWII nations with the highest percentile IQ were Germany, Japan, and Israel - those three whose populations had suffered the largest percentile casualty rates during the war.
> We are living in and observing a country in the very final stages
> of decay. It is accelerating because very few have the guts to get
> involved and expose this corruption.
The spiral is very fast at this
> point. How do you make people care?
You can't "make people care".
See, it's a *evolution* thing.
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(Archived from usenet: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.politics.media/KKfiVjeYDQI%5B501-525%