Define Synonym Meaning

1: one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses

2 : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (as a concept or quality)

By Gretal
Dumbass or Asshole
(a word you can say without saying a curse and it will confuse the hell out of anyone who dosent know what it means)

Yo shut up all that bullshit your talking is making you look like a synonym
By Addy
One of the functions most missing in

In internerd language, there even is a synonym for 'synonym' on websites. These computer-created 'content-synonyms' are called 'see also's.
By Idalia

large is a synonyms to big
By Willi
this is another stuffy professor word. its basically stuffy old man way to say aka

Breasts are synonymous with boobies
By Brenna

1. A word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word in the same language, either in all of its uses or in a specific context.

2. a word or expression that is used as another name for something in some styles of speaking or writing or to emphasize a specific aspect or association.

3. A duplicate taxonomic name that has been rejected or replaced.

1. Examples of synonyms in this sense are "environment" and "surroundings" and the verbs "tear" and "rip."

2. Examples include "Gotham" and "New York."
By Jacquenetta
When your typing a letter, essay etc. and you need a synonym just right click the word and look for its synonym. You have just synonymized the word!!

Jodie couldn't think of a more interesting word for big, so she thought; I know I'll synonymize it!
By Delinda
A word you use when you don't know how to spell the first one.

Can't spell supercalifragilistic? Well too bad, there are no synonyms!
By Verina

A word that has the same meaning as another.

"The English language has a shed-load of synonyms."
"Knob is synonymous with Dick."
"Penis is notorious for it's synomnymity."
By Rayna

"Synonym? That's my favorite flavor! I got a box of Synonym Crunch!"
By Bunnie