Define That One Meaning

That One
1. What you say to refer to your opponent when it is 27 days until a national election and you are down an average of 6 points in the national polls.

2. The worst way to refer to your opponent if you do not want to be seen as bitter and disrespectful.

3. The best thing to say during a second presidential debate to guarantee loss by electoral landslide.

John McCain: You know who voted for it? You might never know.
{points to Barack Obama}
That one!

America: FAIL!
By Valery
That One
Referring to a person of lower quality than yourself. Equivalent to "you people" as spoken by Ross Perot in 1992 at an NAACP meeting.

McCan calls Barack Obama "that one" during the debate on Oct 7, 2008. On July 11, 1992 candidate Ross Perot referred to the members as "you people". It was widely assumed to be a racial remark.
By Agretha
That One
A phrase used to describe your opponent in a presidential debate that shows your complete hatred to that person. Probably worse then not looking at them.

You know who voted for it? You might never know- THAT ONE.
You know who voted against it, ME!
-John McCain
By Kerianne
That One
What old, out-of touch presidential candidates refer to their opponents as when they are too old and out of touch to remember their fucking names during a debate.

Moderator: Who's gonna kick your ass in the upcoming election?

John McCain: That one.
By Marcy
One On One
BASKETBALL, where you (and only you) play against one other person

I played against Santiago in a one on one basketball game
By Audi
One On One
An informal code of street fighting, not allowing bystanders to interfere in the fight.

Hey bitch-ass, let's square it up one-on-one in the midldle of the street!
By Lilli
One And One
a bag of heroin and coke together.

i wanted to do a speedball so i told my connect i need a "one and one" bag.
By Rozelle
The One One
The person that makes you change everything you said you wouldn't ; put it down in every way ; the one you meant to be with ; time enough : able to control without force ; Mesmerizing

Boooooyyyyyyyy, You the one one!
By Eddi
One On One
1. A game where the only opponents are two people playing against each other.
2. Also know as speedballing; a mixture of cocaine and herion, most often injected.

1. Jack says to Tommy, "Let's play a game of one on one"
2. After getting out of lock-up, I said to myself, "I'm 'bout ready to head downtown and gets me a one on one!!"
By Vina
One On One
san francisco bay area slang for a combination of cocaine and heroin, aka a "speedball". a hit of tar heroin and powder cocaine sold together on the street for $10 to $20.

if youre in a san francisco neighborhood such as the mission, and you hear a guy calling out "one on oners, one on oners", hes not challenging you to a game of basketball.
By Cybill