You cannot get better then The Beatles. They are by far the most influental and quality band.
Albums include:
Beatles Featuring Tony Sheridan (Basically the earliest example. Them backing Tony Sheridan and not all that good)
Please Please Me (First album. Responsible for I Saw Her Standing There, their kick ass version of Twist & Shout, Love Me Do and P.S. I Love You)
With The Beatles (Second album)
A Hard Days Night (Third album. Went along with their first movie)
Beatles For Sale (Fourth album. Responsible for their big hit
Eight Days A Week, Words Of Love, Matchbox, Slow Down and others)
Help! (Went along with their second movie of the same name. Responsible for Help!, Ticket To Ride and Yesterday)
Rubber Soul (Sixth album. They were beginning their drug period during this album. You will notice the Sitar beginning to show up from George as well as John apparently inhailing reefer during the song "Girl")
Revolver (Seventh album. This album is good. It is responsible for songs like Yellow Submarine, And Your Bird Can Sing, Taxman and others)
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Part 2 of the group's evolution. Has a "Theme" to it. Very good album but highly over rated like Abby Road)
The Beatles AKA
The White Album (This was the double set album. Called "The White Album" because of its cover. This is one of the best albums by the group.)
Yellow Submarine (Soundtrack to the animated movie with other songs thrown in)
Abby Road (THE last album. It was the last recorded even though Let It Be was the last released. The album is pretty good but it is over rated to the max.)
Let It Be (Last released but not last recorded. Not a very good album compared to the others. Probably because they were getting ready to disband during it and conditions are arguements were going on during it)