Describes any contiguous amount of human excrement (generally in a coherent cable form) that may be partially submerged but surfaces on opposite sides of the bowl, touching dry porcelain on each end.
A basketball move in which one player passes the ball from one side of the court to the other widthwise. You must yell "Coast to coast!" before initiating the move.
Basketball Player 1 dribbles up the ball.
Basketball Player 2: Coast to coast!
Basketball Player 1 coast to coasts the ball to Basketball Player 2.
Basketball Player 2 dunks the ball for the win.
By Ina
a word that means to roll or GLIDE on a skateboard, specifically after kicking your leg forward and pushing backwards on the ground to propelthe rider forward
The midwestern United States, where the corn grows tall and the people are nice. "No Coast" is in reference to the East Coast and West Coast and how the Midwest doesn't border an ocean.