Define The Guy Meaning

The Guy
Someone you call if you want something done.

"I think I'll just call the guy to fix that"
By Annie
The Guy
The Ultimate title given to someone who has completed the close-to-impossible run and jump computer game full of 8-bit references, "I Wanna Be The Guy." People who have earned the title "The guy" are the kings of the video game world, and have likely spent way too much time playing the game, but because of the sheer difficulty this game presents, they are still hailed as some of the most epic players who have ever existed

A: Hey, after spending three months on his computer, Mike just became the guy!
A: Its amazing right? We're throwing him a giant party to celebrate the epicness!

B: =D
By Chantal
The Guy
The hit of weed that makes you extremely high. When you cough, eyes water, and you become physically high, you have met the guy. He is the hit.

Dude 1: I can't stop coughing, oh my eyes! Im so high!
Dude 2: You just me "The Guy".
By Orsa
The Guy
the guy is a pot smoking mushroom popping beer slamming acid dropping chiller

wow the new kid just pulled a guy
By Brinna
The Guy
the guy is the person in a large group of people that is loud, obnoxious, and makes it obvious that all they want is attention. they're a show-off and a hotmess

you can also be ''the guy'' if you're the last person to walk into a full classroom, room, and everyone stares at you

example 1

bob "i was standing behind a lady who kept yelling on the phone to her friend about how she hooke dup with 3 guys last night. everyone was starring at her."
phil "she was the guy"

example 2
suzy " can you take me to school early today? i wanna be early so i won't be the guy"
By Vannie
The Guy
When in poker (ex.Texas Hold'em or Five card) all check, but one remains and bets when all others have not. This person is refered to as "the guy." also known as penis head betting.

Everyone checked but Hardtmann had to be the guy.
By Daniella
The Guy
The best political cartoonist known to Graal. Strangely hairy and meaty, The Guy goes about the world commenting on the issues of Graal, and of the United States. He also has a secret obsession with Ivor Biggun.

By Betti
The Guy
''the guy'' is the person at a party that will get completely waisted to the point that they make a fool out of themselves infront of everyone, throw up, break something, or are just very obnoxious

person 1 "bro have you seen joshua?"

person 2 "yeah he's sooo wasted lmao !"

person 1 "yeah he's knocking everything over. he can barely walk"

person 2 "he's the guy"
By Audrye
A Guy's Guy
a masculine, sports loving, sociable guy who likes to hang out with his buddies

Look at this guy.... he's the life of the party, now's that a guy's guy.
By Adela
Guy's Guy
A man who exhibits characteristics of a traditional male role model. He is likely knowledgeable in a wide variety of practical skills. He tends to be modest and friendly, helping others freely, but exudes confidence. Others may look up to him and seek him out for help or advice.

Not only does he grill a mean steak, but at his barbeque last week he figured out a problem with my car that's baffled me for weeks! It seems like he knows what he's doing with everything, He's a real guy's guy.
By Trisha