Define The Hitler Meaning

The Hitler
It's when your friend is sleeping, and you take his thumb and shove it up his ass. then you take the shit covered finger and rub it right under his nose. it looks like they have the Adolf Hitler mustache, aka the square above the lip.

John: You smell that shit?
Tom: LOL no...i don't ;)
John: something smells like shit around here.l funny.
Tom: XP!!!! Someone gave you the Hitler!!! LOL LOL OMFG!!1!!
John: Shit. that's fucked up
By Camala
A man you can compare anyone or anything you don't like to.

Do you disagree with someone? Is it especially concerning political views? Hitler is the ever-convenient figure you can always compare them to! Hitler's Nazi regime murdered 6 million Jews, and was responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people in World War II, making him the ultimate embodiment of human evil. But don't let those heavy details keep you from comparing him to anyone you disagree with, no matter how blatantly ignorant of history and disrespectful of his victims it makes you look.

Think government health care is wrong? No problem! Compare its proponents to Hitler. Does drilling oil offshore and in Alaska get under your skin? Just play the good old Hitler card against the drilling supporters. Hell, the comparison even works with rival sports teams you don’t like.

Photos of people you don't like or agree with can easily be "Hitlerized" with the simple addition of a small mustache and swept bangs on the forehead.

President Bush/Obama is just like Hitler because he started a war/gives good speeches.
By Amalea
A pussy bitch. Hitler tried to save KD by hiding in his bunker. When he realized that the allies would widen his butthole if they found him alive he put a bullet in his skull so no one could get the kill. Fucking loser.

Bro that retard left before I interrogated him. He pulled a Hitler on me.
By Babara
A verb meaning to convince a huge group of people to believe a huge lie.

Lil Wayne succesfully hitlered and entire nation into beleiving he's the best rapper alive.
By Sarina

Hitler killed my fucking great grandparents.
By Elspeth

"I aspire to be like Hitler"
By Deena
a person who killed millions of jews.
He had a poo mustach.
And he also had a 2 inch dick

By Merry
That evil German dude with the little mustache(that's probably not the only small thing he has). Was the leader of Germany, killed Jews, communists, and anyone else that racist people don't like.

Hitler caused the holocaust. What an asshole.
By Thekla
an ass-hole who was the dictator of Nazi Germany. under his orders the Holocaust was carried out, exterminating political rivals, jews, blacks and... well just look at the list of ethnicities hated by the KKK, and you get a pretty good idea of the people that were targeted. he was also a huge hipprocrit, as he didn't even fit his philosophy that " the blonder your hair and bluer your eyes, the more fit you are to rule the world". after around five years of country stomping and treaty breaking and rampent race based governing, in 1945, when his bunker started getting fired up by ally troops; he put a gun in his mouth and fired up, thus doing the one thing that the entire civilized world had been trying to accomplish: making Hitler bite the bullet.

additionally, believers in the Nostradamus prophecies believe him to be the second of three anti-Christ, the first being Napoleon Dynamite, no wait, that's wrong, his name was Napoleon Bonaparte. if these prophecies are in fact true, than obviously Hitler didn't listen when his big bro Bonaparte told him to bring winter clothes when conquering Russia. mankind will just have to wait and see if the third anti-Christ learned anything from his two older hell spawned brothers. let's pray hes just as incompetent in the end as they were

Ray "hey man, you know what they should do?"
Tim " what?"
Ray" they should like, make a big ass statue of the man who killed Hitler."
Tim "uh-huh..."
Ray " and they could like, gild it with gold and silver and shit, and -"
Tim " I don't know about gold and silver, but shit sounds just about right for it."
Ray "and they could put it in the middle of D.C., and children could take school field trips to see it, and learn about such an international hero."
Tim "Ray, do you know who killed Hitler?"
Ray " no, but it was some ally soldier, wasn't it"
Tim " no, no, it definitely wasn't an allied soldier"
Ray" then who-"
tim " he killed himself, you dumb ass."
By Hatty
Someone who has only half the sperm count due to him only having one testicle

Did you know that Hitler lost his left testy due to testicular cancer?
By Christye