Define The R Word Meaning

The R-word
Finally! 38 years after George Carlin's comedy routine, "The Seven Words You Can't Say on Television", the eighth word has been born. The R-word stands for "Retard" which is now banned thanks to state house rallies in Massachusetts, Indiana and Ohio. Rallies included earnest do-gooders marching around with a dozen "differently abled", mentally challenged citizens who are no longer called retarded but were told they were offended by the use of it.

Thanks to the rally, you can hear the R-word shouted at least 900 times a day in middle school and high school hallways.
Welcome to banishment, "Retard"!

"The rainy spring retarded the growth of the lettuce and asparagus," observed Dad one Saturday morning.
"Dad!" gasped PC thug vegetarian daughter, "You're not allowed to say the R-word!"
"Heh, heh, heh, RETARDED!" laughed obnoxious little brother.
By Saundra
It's Retard you fucking snowflakes if you just erase it from existence and keep calling it the r-slur or r-word then people won't know what to not say or what offends people

Some Dickhead : You have a diffrent opinion the me shut the fuck up retard ( the r-word )
By Charleen

By Dolly
The R-Word

Sean Hey joe you're a r*tard you are r*tarded

Joe Hey We don't use the R-Word
By Ivie
The R Word
A euphemism for the word retarded or retard coined by SJWs who are sensitive and can't deal with a word

You're a retarded retard oh sorry you're the r word an r worded r word
By Karna
R Word Pass
A pass that allows use of the word retard, primarily given by autistic people.

Autism boi: Wanna r word pass?
Other guy: Sure
Autism boi: Here you go
Other guy: Bye retard
By Aurilia