Define The Song Meaning

The Song
The Song, when someone is referring to a fucking song of some sort.

"Hey man have you heard the song?"
"I Have an erection!"
"Oh, okay!"
By Denice
Song Of Songs
Also known as the Song of Solomon, a section of the Bible that is decidedly one of the most erotic, sensuous works of poetry that anybody can find.

It's one of the "scrolls" (megillot) of the Writings (Ketuvim), the last section of the Hebrew Bible. It is also the fifth book of Wisdom in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
The whole structure and plot is that of a pair of lovers from courtship to marriage to consummation is a celebration of erotic love. While it can be argued that it's a metaphor for the union between Yahweh and the land of Israel (or that between Christ and the Church), it's just as likely very seductive romantic poetry.

The "Song of Songs" features such gems as these:
Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest

is my beloved among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,

and his fruit is sweet to my taste.
Let him lead me to the banquet hall,

and let his banner over me be love.
Strengthen me with raisins,

refresh me with apples,

for I am faint with love..."

...How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride!

How much more pleasing is your love than wine,
and the fragrance of your perfume

more than any spice!
Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride;

milk and honey are under your tongue.
The fragrance of your garments

is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
You are a locked garden, my sister, my bride;

you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain...

Awake, north wind,

and come, south wind!
Blow on my garden,

that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
Let my beloved come into his garden

and taste its choice fruits..."

How beautiful your sandaled feet,

O prince’s daughter!
Your graceful legs are like jewels,

the work of an artist’s hands.
Your navel* is a rounded goblet

that never lacks blended wine.
Your waist is a mound of wheat

encircled by lilies.
Your breasts are like two fawns,

like twin fawns of a gazelle..."

*The "navel" translation is interesting since, in the original Hebrew, he seems to be describing her vulva.
By Ursola
Song Song
The best person on earth. Most likely a nickname for an Asian girl. She is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. A song song is probably outgoing, beautiful, bougie, either a Scorpio, Capricorn, or a Pisces. A song song is goofy, but mature when she wants to be. Also is she very smart! If you know a song song, she's a keeper, don't ever let her go.

She's such a song song.
By Chelsy
Song Of Songs
A book in the Bible that is very sexual.

Son-(reading under his breath) With breasts like towers...

Mother-What are you reading, young man? That type of book is not allowed in this house.

Son-The Bible. Song of Songs.

Mother-Oh. Well, go watch VeggieTales instead. **Jerks Bible away**
By Othelia
Song Of Songs
The Song of songs or commonly known as the song of solomon is a beautifly well written book written in the old testament or what jewish people refer to as the Torah. It was written by Solomon King of Israel to his soon to be wife the Queen of Sheba.


Have you read the Song of songs?
By Madonna
For A Song
for very little cost; at a fairly low price

The team acquired that player, who was like a 4th or 5th draft pick, for a song but he proved himself after a couple of seasons and eventually helped them win the championship.
By Del
The act of playing a note, of a great piece of music, out of ones anus. Normally gets messy

Since she got a big booty her songfulness is very deep.
By Aggi
A Song
1. Music and words organized into a usually short and catchy composition.

2. A descriptive word for when you buy something for an amazingly cheap price.

1. "Dr. Worm" by They Might Be Giants is a briliant song!

2. I got two ancient 8 bit Nintendos at my neighbor's garage sale for a song.
By Laurice
a korean term that refers to a sweet little kimchi roll

Song Park: Man, you have to try my mom's delicious songe!
Bobby Kim: Dude, songe is so good...
By Nolie

me: i like songs
friend: its a vibe
By Trixy