Define Thermos Meaning

The most amazing invention of the 20th century.

It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. "How do it know?"
By Etty
A large phallus. has been seen roaming southern Indiana and many foreign countrys. Is gentle when aproached can be petted gently

Wow the Thermos broke my ass muscles!
By Shirley

That Jeff is such a thermos!
By Alysa
A penis with an enormous amount of girth but of average length

Hey bro, I was beside Jeff at the urinals and I couldn’t help but notice, he has a nice thermos
By Codie
Thermos: part of speech adj/ meaning often used to describe a person of large stature. Someone who is tall and round and looks like a thermos.

Dale:Would you look at that big man over yonder jansen.
Jansen: Oh my god that man is such a thermos.
By Morganica
1. a bad joke

2. something that makes no sense at all, WTF mate.

3. exam that kicks your ass.

4. excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday night when you have an 8.30 class the next morning.

After thermo I was waiting for my prof to yell "april fools" but he didnt. That crap was not funny, so we went home and pounded down some jose cuervo.
By Donella

Man dat's thermo!
By Vitoria
A street that has a dead end at one end in the shape of a thermometer.

Person 1: Hey wanna go to that dead end?
Person 2: You mean thermo?
Person 1: Yeah that one.
By Babara
Thermo Flask
A weapon that is used by vsco girl wannabes who post TikToks every day and can only afford a Thermo Flask. They get so aggravated when they realize there's a dent on the water bottle, even though there was probably already a dent on it when they got their Thermo Flask at Five Below. Sometimes, they even pretend their Thermo Flask is a Hydro Flask, which is honestly no better.

Vsco Wannabe: "Check out my new Hydro Flask," *Hides the Thermo Flask label*
Vsco Girl: "Isn't that a Thermo Flask?"
Vsco Wannabe: "Shutthefuckup it's Hydro Flask!" *Whacks the girl in the face with her Thermo Flask*
By Dede
Thermos Mermos
When a student of special needs brings a thermos with him to lunch. After eating the contents of the thermos, he proceeds to the restroom where he has dishwater (bad diarrhea) back into the thermos. (A funnel may be used at times dependent upon how violent the dishwater is) The thermos is later brought home to the mother where she is greeted by her sweet little boy/girl, who screams "surprise" when the thermos is opened and contents are discovered. (contents are still warm) Pissed off, the mother does a quick rinse of the thermos and repacks the same lunch in the same thermos for her special child the next day.

Now, here is where the definition gets tricky: Thermos Mermos can be used as both a verb or noun.

Utilization as a verb states that Thermos Mermos is the act of refilling a thermos with excrement (must be diarrhea) so it's still warm when brought home to mother. Note that screaming "surprise" when the mudpies are found is and added touch to Thermos Mermos and does not have to be stated in all Thermos Mermos accounts.

Usage as a noun (Person): Thermos Mermos could refer to both the "actor" (person who fills the thermos with the shit-funnel) or the finder of the excrement inside the thermos.

Usage as a noun (Thing): A thermos with volcanic shit bubbling inside.

Brian: Dude, I've gotta go drop the Cosby kids off.

Nate: Why are you bringing your thermos to the bathroom?

Brian: I'm gonna Mermos this Thermos.

By Reyna