Define This Bitch Meaning

This Bitch
A term used when someone is pissing you off, or has said something so stupid you don't know what to think. When describing "This Bitch" you will more than often say it in a high pitched voice, making you sound squeaky, and hard to understand.

Jazmine: I can't believe she slept with him, she's only fourteen years old!!
Savannah: That Hoe!
Veronica Sanchez: He didn't even cum inside of me:D!!!
Savannah: This Bitch!!
By Brittne
Bitches Is Bitches Is Bitches
This saying does not have a specific deffinition but can be used whenever a bitch is bein a bitch. if shes doin somethin that pisses u off confuses u or just annoys the fuck out of u it works.

Mike- This bitch is fuckin playin games bro.

Danny- Bitches piss me off dawg but fuckit. Bitches is bitches is bitches

Mike- FUCK ya
By Lia
Bitches Be Bitches
A phrase to describe a girl when she's doing what girls do, such as fucking with a guy's head.

Person 1: This bitch keeps talking to me, but I have no clue what she means.

Person 2: That happened to me too! Bitches Be Bitches!
By Laurie
Bitch's Bitch
Usually referring to a female, who is at the top of the food chain of bitches. worst bitch u could ever find. worst worst ever. usually very hypocritical and self-righteous, the kind u wanna hit but cant if you're a guy.

Jana's being such a bitch's bitch (BB) today..u so wanna DT her!
By Jazmin
In This Bitch
A slang term for 'in this place'.

Yo dude, is there any more beers up in this bitch?
By Lainey
one of the most versatile words in the english language; it is used to express a multitude of emotions; anger, anticipation, despair, endearment, envy, excitement, fear, horror, joy, shock, surprise, warning; all achieved by one's enunciation and intonation.

Endearment: Hey bitch!
Joy: Oh my god, bitch!
Anticipation: Bitch, guess what?
Shock/Pain: Stubs toe Ah, bitch!
Envy: She's SUCH a BITCH.
Fear: Bitch. What was that noise?
Surprise: BITCH!
Warning: Bitch. Don't try me.
Despair: Biiiitch.
By Pierrette
excessive complaining without a specific reason and without the will to change something.
if the actual reason will be refuted, a new random reason will be immediately invented.
presupposes the loser mindset that nothing can be done to change the situation in positive.

- enjoyment of being angry

she is bitching because unhappy of her life
By Candace
This Bitch
Growing tired of ones actions prompting you to say such. When ones actions make you angry overtime, you will most likely say this.

Girl 1: Hey guys! Don't i look amazing today?

Girl 2: Oh my god. This bitch...
By Fenelia
1.) A female dog

2.) Annoying complaining

3.) Used to describe a very rude person

4.) Someone's sidekick/slave

1.) Yeah, our bitch just had puppies

2.) He's been bitching about his dad everyday and it's getting on my nerves

3.) That girl wrecked my car. That Constance chick what a bitch!

4.) I couldn't make it in prison because I'd just end up someone's bitch
By Licha
Someone who is inconsiderate and insensitive.

Someone who used to be kind to you, but then decided that you weren't good enough for them anymore.

Someone who you thought was your friend, but turned out to be the opposite.

She's so mean, I can't believe it. She's such a bitch now"

"She doesn't care about anyone but herself, what a bitch!"
By Cynthea