Define Title Meaning

No Titles
A partner that you are sexually active with but is not considered your boyfriend / girlfriend. This role allows you to freely talk to other potential candidates, while this individual satisfies your immediate needs. This zone is usually kept a secrete. Sidenigga piece of meast

Definition 2. You want no ties, no relevance with an individual.

Matt Barnes manifested his desire for Rihanna, but she advised she doesn't want no titles.

I think your a cool person and we have fun together at night but I don't want no titles.
By Billy
TITL is the short form for : "This Is The Life."

I was suspended from school but wasn't grounded. Man. TITL.
By Raye

The title did not have a description.
By Ida

i wish i had big boobs instead of these titles. :(
By Dyann
When two people in a relationship don't ever do anything. It is just a social status or dating for titles.

They haven't been on single date even though they say they're in a relationship. They're just titling.
By Fannie

Did you see Emily in that tight shirt? She's got great titlings!
By Carita

I want to touch Paula's title.
By Sorcha
Female breasts lacking size or maturity.

"Keira Knightley is so hot but I cant get over her small titlings."
By Ada
Tilted is when a person gets really drunk, and is not able to stand balanced, therefore feeling as if the world is tilting.

I'm so titled right now, I wish I could sober up.
By Seline
Title Fight
Title Fight is an amazing band you should listen to them, they basically made their own genre I guess? Yeah they're rad m8

Wow dude have you heard Title Fight's song 'Lefty'? It's gr8!!
By Sapphire