Define Total Meaning

To destroy something, usually a car.

"Why did you total my car, you asshole!?"
By Shirley
Something to eat there's nothing to eat for breakfast

Guy 1: Hey there's nothing to eat for breakfast
Guy 2: There's cereal right here
Guy 1: Oh that's total, I don't really like that
~Tourette's guy

By Janeczka
Medical slang.
A patient who needs everything done for him; a patient who can't do anything for himself.

I was up all night taking care of a total.
By Rosabel
Adjective approximating to extremely, used to emphasise everything. Contraction of totally

1. That wiz jus' total not on
By Raychel
total can be used to replace lots of words.
it means the ultimate of something.
so if you say “your outfit is total” it mean your outfit is the best.

or if you were describing a hot boy as total it means he’s totally hot.
if soemone it total it means they’re the best.

“omg your outfit is total!”

girl1: “can you please do me a favour
girl2: “yes of course”
girl1: “ugh you’re total, thank you so much

girl1: “have you seen the new boy at school?!”
girl2: “duh he’s total”

girl1: “so fit”
By Mariana
Verb meaning: To get completely and totally drunk.

We can total at the student bar any time of day.
By Lucinda
Totals are used in football, basketball, baseball, hockey, etc. The Total is set, and periodically adjusted, to insure that half of the people will wager on the 'over' and wager on the 'under'.

Cowboys -4
Redskins 48
(these two situations are identical)
Cowboys -4
Redskins +4
Over/Under 48
"Cowboys are favored by four points against the Redskins and the total (or over/under) in the game is forty-eight."
By Valeda
The sound that is registered by drunk persons when another person with a large penis is urinating, within earshot, into a water filled standard toilet. In this manner small penises produce a different sound. Piddle.

total totaltotal totaltotaltotal totaltotal total totaltotal total total..
By Simonette

means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"
By Kassie

means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.

Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"
By Idell