Define Tough Meaning

adj. excellent, first-rate;
used as a positive description of someone or something;
synonyms include cool, hot, tight, bitchin', sweet, awesome, pissa, hip, rad etc.

Yo, that's mad tough, yo!
Your car looks friggin' tough.
Tough, yo, I'm down.
By Clem
not too easy to get or put-out.

yo i tried to get ashley the other day, but she was too tough
By Honoria
when a situation is particularly inferior, or is not suitable. used as a one word expression

A) Those two broke up.
B) "Tough."

A) We've got a quiz today
B) Tough
By Alecia
describes any female that makes heads turn

"Yo, you see that broad right there?"
"Yeah. She real tough."
By Lynnell
an insult for stupid people who do or say something really stupid

man that dude is tough--" D U M B "--tough
By Rochella
Something you call someone who acts holier than thou, thinks they are cool.

"Kid I'll beat you"
"Eeeeasy there tough"
By Jacquenetta
A collective noun for lesbians. A group of lesbians.

A tough of angry lesbians forced their way onto the red carpet and lay down.
By Moreen
A kid who can train mma in california with top fighters like tito ortiz. Can turn down NASA because flying to the moon bumped into his schedule of flying around the world in one day. After flying around the world he beat the land speed record bare foot with a blister on his heal. Chuck Norris trained him and then he beat him up with one punch like most of his other fights. In the tour de france he won on a uni cycle going backwards. Oh yea he's also got a pretty cool screw driver.

I'm so tough i can bench 350 Ilb blind folded
By Marrilee

1. Tough cookie!

2. Tough cookie!!

3. I mean here comes Britney and here comes ____ and BAM!

4. Hits head and knocks her over
By Ki
That's Tough
a response for when something bad happens. Basically like saying that's rough, that sucks, sorry to hear that, or something along those lines.

I told Chrissa I failed my quiz and she replied, "that's tough."
By Leigha