Define Up In Meaning

Up In

Non-urban: "Gosh, I wish the landlord would fix the heat, it's freezing in this apartment."
(2) Urban: "Got-dayum!! Can't we get some hizzle up in this motherfucker?!?"
By Sammy
Up In
up in: (adverb) location of with which an object is placed and an action is occuring.

"Don't be puttin my name up in yo mouth!"
By Tierney
Up In
The act of violating one's personal space, often used with the verb "nosing"

My mom totally found my stash when she was nosing up in my room, now I'm grounded for life + forever. alternately That chick I met was hot, but then she started nosing all up in my sex life, and I don't want her to know that Jennie might have gonorrhea, so I slap her upside the head and she don't be nosin' up in anything.
By Anita
Up In
when a dick goes in your heiny

My boyfriend tried an up in.
By Amelia
Up And Up
Getting better, actively rising above, coming in to your own, living large and getting larger.

"Feeling damn good, I'm on the up and up!"
By Hollyanne
Up And Up
The opposite of keepin it on the downlow or doing stuff that you don't want anyone to know.

I ain't got nothing to's all on the up and up. We together, he cool.
By Mirelle
Up Up
to increase in value or update to better quality

You need to up up that computer, it's falling apart.

Up up your shoe game, those SB dunks are old.
By Amandy

You're so upful. (you're so cheerful.)
By Joell
Up And
1. To do something unexpectedly or with out any thought

2. Impulsive act

My neighbor was sitting outside talking to his wife when then he up and shot her. I did not see that coming.
By Benedikta
Up Up
Same as "Shut up, Fuck up", hence ...UP ...UP.

Obama, I am so tired of your "Change" bull shit so just up up, you liberal bitch.
By Regine