One of the poorest compilations of knowledge available on the internet, thanks to a very relaxed
quality control. Basically, there are five types of definitions you will find on anything:
1) The informative, deceptively neutral definition that tells you what you wanted to know.
2) The extremely biased definition that hints at a possibly psychotic author.
3) The entry that only points you to the definition of an
obscenity as reference, in an attempt to
be clever.
4) The definition that only makes sense to the author's friends.
5) The entry that details some weird sexual act, which probably has nothing to do with the word it's defining.
Some definitions of "George Bush" you might find on
Def 1: The 43rd president of the United States, was inaugurated on
January 20, 2001, went on to blah blah blah...
Def 2: The worst fucking leader in the history of mankind, has the intelligence of
the pretzel he choked on that one time.
Def 3: See "Asswipe," "Chimpanzee," "Dickhead"
Def 4: What Mike sounded like that one time at
Six Flags! You know what I'm talking about, dude!
Def 5: When your girlfriend accidentally bites off your cock and chokes to death on it.