Define Vagina Meaning

1. the reason life exists

2. a source of addiction for even the most tough minded men

3. a tool used by women to control men and force them to submit to their insane demands

4. the only place a penis truly feels at home

5. the only thing that makes life worth living

Offspring are the involuntary bi-product of man's insatiable appetite for the vagina.
By Appolonia
In Economics: a form of payment, and accepted in more places than Visa.

I'll pay for that beer with my Vagina.
By Glenine

By Sonnnie
something that you come out of when you're born and then spend the rest of your life trying to get back into

vagina is fun to play with
By Luz
A sacred portal through which all light, goodness, rejuvenation, joy and ecstasy may enter the human form.

That woman has a vagina.
By Joleen

A vagina is used for sexual intercourse.
By Lorrayne
the most wonderful part of the woman. its moist, and soft texture just gives you the best experience of all.

I am going to get that vagina tonight and I'm going to destroy it
By Elbertine
vagina is the gate to heaven

the penis is the key to unlock the gate of heaven (vagina)
By Maryrose
The genitalia for a woman. Used naturally for sexual intercourse, which was also created to be pleasing. Sexual intercourse will also result in procreation, furthuring the extent of the human race, as it was created to be.

Many people feel akward talking about vagina or penis because they are often used in extremely inappropriate forms, particularly on this website.
By Drucill
also known as the "pussy" its most commonly found in the southern region of the female body, feeding mainly on dicks and tampons, occasionally fingers, tongues, and dildos. its natural pray, the penis, penetrates the vagina with it's stealth attack while the pussy's only defense mechanism is its fatal grip, repeatedly choking the wang until it throws up. non-domestic vaginas roam wild and free in some isolated areas called BUSHES

he stuck his penis in her vagina
By Farra