Define Vampires Meaning

Those who feed on energy.. There's two types: psi (also known as pranic) and blood (also known as sanguine). A person can be both. Sanguine vamps take in energy through blood, they get their blood from donors; who are ready, willing, and have been tested for dieases and such in the blood... psi vamps pull energy out of people and into themselves, through visualation. We are not immortal, we are not dead, garlic does not hurt us anymore than it hurts you, the sun can't kill us; but for some is irritating (extremely for me..), and anybody can be killed with a stake.... duh. is a very, very good vampyre support site, for vamps, donors, friends and family.
By Eran
attention seeking fools who want to feel special. they choose this term because they think it will make them or define them.

its like whiny snot nosed angsty teens who think they know it all, and then decide to term themselves as vampires because it is "cool" or "in"

so a real vampire? basically a real vampire is a woman who marries a guy for his cash to leech him of his money.

another kind of vampire is one who might leech off someone without giving in return.

basically a vampire is a leech from society, not this cruddy blood drinking/ energy draining BS others seem to think it is.

grow up people and wake to what you really are, another human in this world trying to get by, so cheer the %@#£ up and get on with stuff.

a snot nosed why teen who wants to define themselves as something "special" or as vampires
By Charita
Immortal, soulless demon forced to drink blood to stay alive. They have long canines with which they can puncture a human neck to extract blood.

Demonic creatures who live off the blood of humans; a vampire appears to be a normal person until the feed is upon them -- only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.

A vampire. V^^V
By Faunie
immortals that seduce their prey, which are humans, and then suck their blood. vamp = one that inhibits a dead corpse; which is why vampires in general have pale skin. the teenage gothic/goth scene has taken vampirism to a humourous and real but trendy level, which is why vampirism isn't taken seriously. ie; vampires aren't real. purely fiction of a demented irishman, bram stoker. but there are and have been murderers that have sprouted tales like dracula and nosferatu and are infamous for biting and/or knifing their victims and draining the blood. i've never heard of an asian vampire.

By Yelena
Beautiful, pale, creatures with fangs and lots of sex appeal. 'Goth' culture has turned vampirism into a trend which many Satanists practice. They call themselves 'vampyres' to distinguish themselves and get fake fangs fitted in.

By Malissia
things that suck your blood, or drink it, anyway. Most people think that its cool and all sorts of wierd shit like that. i personally think that its messed up and stupid. for other messed up and stupid things see cyber sex

that moron thinks he can seduce girls by saying hes a vampire over the internet.
By Ariela
A demon of the night that drains blood: the humans life force in order to live. Vampires also can not go out in the sun.

MWAHAH *cough*
By Lethia
To perform cunnilingus while the receiver is on their period, like how a vampire sucks blood. This act, if performed right, can be a very erotic experience and can even get rid of stress and menstrual pain!!

Fred: Yo! Where in da hell were you last night??
Jack: Oh, I was just vampiring Sarah, that`s all.
Fred: Damn yo! Dafuq is wrong with you!?
Jack: Nothing`s wrong with me, it was actually quite pleasurable, and I made her cum too!
Fred: You is damn kinky!!
Jack: And "you is" a damn retard! And besides, she really needed it!
By Oralie
Something that does not sparkle.

Dracula is a vampire, but Edward Cullen is a fairy.
By Trixi
Immortal being that subsists on blood. Legend says the Only way to kill a Vampire is with a wooden stake thru the heart but an Original Vampire can Only be killed with white oak.

A Vampire can have kids with a human so then they're 1/2 Vampire, 1/2 human~hybrid. Vampires are out at night & avoid daylight & sunshine.
By Cariotta