Define We Know Meaning

We Know
A curt phrase used right as someone says "that's what she said."

Jenny (using a screwdriver): I need a better grip on the head.
Mark: That's wha...
Shane: We know.
By Leonanie
We Know
A sarcastic term in reply to when someone says something thats non-believeable.

Greg: Yo, I got the skins from that thick honey from up the block.

Steve: We know.
By Ailee
We Know Mason
A phrase used to get into anywhere or anything you want.

"We know Mason" to receptionist and get in without trouble while cutting the line.
By Consolata
We Know Mason
phrase used to get access to places that normal people usually dont have access too

The man got into the club by saying "we know mason" to the bouncer
By Rozella
Life As We Know It
A teen drama unlike most other shows on television right now.
Compared to My So Called Life.

It's about 3 teenage guys who live in the suburbs in Seattle and basically how they think about sex every second and deal with their lives.

Disregard that Kelly Osbourne is in this show she's not as bad as you'd think.

Jonathan and Dino are totally f*ckable. =)
By Kass
They Dont Know That We Know That They Know That We Know

they dont know that we know that they know that we know means that monica and chandler are at it again......
By Livy
We Know The Truth
A phrase created by LA Rapper DrakeO The Ruler upon his release of being acquitted of Murder Charges.

@iPrinceRoyalty is the original foreign whip crasher We Know The Truth! WKTT
By Malissa
And Now We Know
Commonly shouted out during those exams that nobody could ever give a fuck about.
Or mentioned in a large group of people, after Captain Obvious makes his most recent discovery.

Almost always followed up by a relating laugh, or the follow-on of the self-owned hilarity of the group, with

.... And knowing is half the battle.
G. I. Joooooeeee.

*Sat in silence, the year 12s continue sitting in boredom after finishing the 2 hour General Studies exam in 3 and a half minutes, with flying colours and full marks.... Except James, because he doesn't have a brain stem....*

Invidulator: Right, Year 12. You have about.... 4 minutes left (of this pointless exam..)

Chad: And now we know!

John: And knowing is half the battle.

Chorus of year 12s: G. I. Joooooeeee!
By Athena
Somewhere Only We Know

Person 1: Have you heard the song 'Somewhere Only We Know" yet?

Person 2: "Yeah, who hasn't?? It's freaking amazing."

Person 1: "Sorry, bro, BACK OFF."
By Jena
It’s The End Of The World As We Know It
And i feel fine

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeee”
By Brynn