Define Whack Meaning

1. adj; something in bad taste or is otherwise unappealing.

2. verb; to murder someone.

3. verb; to masturbate.

1. Yo Freddy, turn off the country music. That shit is whack.

2. Freddy, turn off that fuckin' country music before I go and whack ya.

3. Freddy, I said turn off the country music, I didn't say pull your johnson out and start whackin' it. The fuck?
By Faustina

Your mom flushed your stash? that's whack!
By Darda
1. adjective; appalling in nature, unconventional.

2. verb; to strike one with the hand or fist.

3. verb; to assassinate.

1. yo, that's whack.

2. if your mother heard that she'd whack you upside the head.

3. you want we should whack a dog?
By Sena
an event, action, or thing which makes no sense or is contrary to a logical course of action; something entirely disagreable or undesirable; A non-sequitor;

That's whack!
By Estele
As used by The Token Black Guy in films, in order to illustrate that he is, indeed, The Token Black Guy

By Candy

"the file's in 'Cee-colon-whack-em-pee-threes'"
By Berna

Tony, did you whack that guy yet?
By Bren
1.Something that sucks
2.A word used commonly in the mafia which means to assasinate
3.To hit or beat

1.Man,you hear his rhymes they whack
2.Hey Donnie,I want you to whack Toni Corleone for me
3.Hey dont make me whack you
By Jsandye

The Mafia terms. N'ya we gonna whack ya see m'ya n'ya!
By Lauryn
When something is so bad that it actually turns out to be so good

(fern walks past)

Mexie: Bro that girl is so whackkk
Everyone else: Yes shes so whack, her looks are so hot
By Wylma