Define What Am I Meaning

What Am I
1. To be unforgivably drunk; to have consumed 13 - 14 standard drinks
2. To make an absolute disgruce of oneself in public; to publically question one's sexuality. See aaahm gaaay
3. To loose spatial orientation, identity, and even humanity; to be a complete savage; see buddi buddi

Dude: You were so absolutely trashed last night! You were a fureak!
Guy: Who am I? No, no, WHAT am i?
By Harmony
What Am I Doing
I don't know, what ARE you doing? Searching this up on Urban dictionary instead of being productive

By Dorthy
What Am I, A Sheepdog?
Common phrase said when cut off and forced to awkwardly walk behind your friends rather than adjacent to them

*walking behind friends*
What am I, a sheepdog?
By Augustine
What Am I Doing Here?

"Dude you've made bank. Why are you still working?"
"Right? What am I doing here?"

"Hey your wife is passed away. Why do you still live here? Hit the road!"
"Yeah, what am I doing here.?"

"How many times are you gonna let him treat you like that?"
"I know. What am I doing here?"
By Phedra
What Am I Doing With My Life
You're really bored, aren't you?

By Sioux
What Am I Doing With My Life
absolutely nothing. stop and just go. go away and never come back.

By Aaren
I Know You Are But What Am I
I was a kid in the 60's.. This phrase was not used by older sophisticated persons.. It was simply a juvenile response to juvenile name calling.. Some dumb kid would say: "You're Stupid" the simple and quick response would be "I know you are but what am I".. Sometimes (probably when first used) a good come back to one who was truly stupid, because it confounds them, confuses them.. "Uh uh uh, um, you're stupid?"

In actuallity, the phrase would go back and forth, several times.. "You're stupid", "I know you are but what am I" "You're dumb", "I know you are but what am I".. "What a jerk", "I know you are but what am I", "Jerk", "I know you are but what am I"...

Just a juvenile thing.. Used so often though (way back when) that til this day, I use the phrase in response to good compliments.. Most people my age, or close too, enjoy and laugh :)

Example: "You're cute" my response "I know you are but what am I" :)
By Lorilyn
I Know You Are, But What Am I?
It's quite simply the most retarded comeback someone makes when they've completely lost the argument. This statement signifies that the argument has gone to a completely immature level. Below is a hardcore argument starting with the immature statement :)

Person 1: I know you are, but what am I?

Person 2: Good question. What are you?

Person 1: Wow, you're so dumb, you don't even know what I am?

Person 2: You're so dumb, you can't even answer my question.

Person 1: I don't answer stupid questions. Sorry.

Person 2: Then you shouldn't have made your first one.
By Hester
What Am I Gonna Do With You!?
An act of utter exuberance over the cuteness of another individual

A newly-in-love couple is joking around and having a good time with each other...

Boyfriend: I like you. A lot.

Girlfriend: *cuddles him and gives him one hell of a kiss*
Boyfriend: What am I gonna do with you!?

(Enter in to sexy time mood if desirable)
By Cleopatra
What Am I Doing With My Life.

By Elmira