Define What Kind Meaning

What Kind
Greeting, slang, used most commonly in South Africa (subsequently also the source of the term).

Also used as a question, in order to show emotion as well as to find out information about certain things.

Also spelt "whatkyn", "watkyn" or 'kyn".

Donavan: "What kind gents"
Crowd: "Howsit, what's up?"

Hermanus: "I wrapped that blunt in front of that pig ekse"
Flippie: " 'Ell what kind whitchu ekse? Are you stupid?"
By Jinny
What Kind
a) What is it with you?
b) Where do you come up with that?

a)What kind with you?
b)What kind with that story?
By Casey
What Kind Of Sorcery Is This?
Used when you don't have a clue what you've just witnessed and when you appeal to a supernatural explanation, because you are too ignorant to be aware of the scientific explanation.

An example can be seen in the Sacha Baron Cohen's movie "The Dictator (2012)".

*after having a wank*
What kind of sorcery is this?!
By Katharyn
What Kind Of Swag?
This phrase is to ask what sort of clothing should be worn to a social event. e.g. formal, casual

"Hey let's go party tonight"

"Sure. What kind of swag?"

"Look hot. We're taking someone home tonight."
By Vi
What Kind Of Question Is That?
A common response to a stupid question, or a question that the person asking should know in the first place.

George: Alex, do you prefer the original Star Wars trilogy, or the prequels?

Alex: George, what kind of question is that?
By Margalit
What Kind Of Mess Is This
When something unusual happens, and you're having a hard time understanding

Those guys were desperate for money, they robbed a church, what kind of mess is this!!!
By Ursula
What Kind Of Chinese Are You?
The proper way to ask a person of any Asian decent where they're from.

"Hey, what kind of Chinese are you?"

"I'm Korean."
By Regan
So What Kind Of Music Are You Into?
A question that generally gets asked to keep an awkward conversation going.

Me: Yeah, so that's how you outrun an explosion.

You: So what kind of music are you into?
By Jesselyn
What Kind Of Smoke You Be Crackin' ?
This is a term I came up with that my friends and I use to define to someone they are doing an extremely crazy act with out actually telling them they sound like they are smokin' crack without actually saying they are smokin' crack.

My friend says " hey, i'm gonna go put lambo doors on my 1995 sr20hoopdie" and I say "What kind of smoke you be crackin'?
By Melessa
What Kind Of Moron Are You That You Look Up Sex In The Urban Dictionary?
Derek is a faggot with no hair and wears jeans really short like :)

Hugs: Derek you look weird
Derek: fuck you Idc what I look like!!
Hugs: your very What kind of moron are you that you look up sex in the urban dictionary?
By Gretna