Example 1:
Boyfriend: Hey babe, do you want some ice cream?
Girlfriend: I better not, I might get fat...
Boyfriend: You're already fat.
Girlfriend: When you put it that way...
No, wait that's sort of surreal. Here's a better one:
Example 2:
Person 1: You really shouldn't eat that beef.
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: It's murder! They killed a cow for that.
Person 2: You're eating Salmon.
Person 1: It's not the same thing.
Person 2:
So you're saying that I shouldn't eat my beef because it's murder and we should treat all animals alike, inferring that I would not eat this were it
human meat and yet you think of that
dead salmon as an inferior creature in comparison to said cow.
Person 1: When you put it that way...