Define Why The Fuck Meaning

Why The Fuck
Saying why in an angry way.

By Steffi
Why The Fuck Not

Elon Musk shot a car into space for a commercial because why the fuck not.
By Charlena
Why The Fuck Not?
When you're so thrilled or excited, your best friend suggests doing something ABSOLUTELY stupid, and you go along with it because...well...

Why the fuck not?

Why did you shoot fireworks off your yacht while on a bender? It's September.
Why the fuck not?
By Roberta
Why The Fuck Not
What you say when you're in a tense situation and give in to peer pressure because you want friends that badly.

Why the fuck not, man?

Oh, hell...why the fuck not.

You know what? Why the fuck not.
By Tamiko
Why The Fuck You Lying
a kind of phrase people sing when someone else is lying or making up things he or she didn't do.

A: Bro did you fuck that bitch last night? *finds out from girl that he didn't smash*
B: Bruh you know I did. I'm the man!
A: Why the fuck you lying? why you always lying? Hmm oh my God, stop fucking lying!
By Benita
Why The Fuck My Peepee Hard
A great way to start a conversation with your dad

"Hey dad, why the fuck my Peepee Hard?"
"You're my daughter"
"I have questions my body's changing"
"This is normal"
By Marilee
Why The Fuck Would You Do That?
A way of saying "why would you do that?" It is exclaimed in a way for extra effect.

Person 1: I killed her
Person 2: Why the Fuck would you do that?
By Bonny
Yo Why The Fuck My Peepee Hard
Used to question why you get aroused to some sick fucking shit. A question to be asked when your homie is going through puberty a bit late.

A: Yo why the fuck my peepee hard?
B: Nigga your body is changing
A: Yo why the fuck my peepee hard after seeing these banging anime tiddies?
By Abbi
Why? FUCK YOU, That's Why.
What someone says when they have done something for the purpose of maliciously disrupting another person(s) motive, intentions, life, job, etc, and the victim asks that someone why they did it.

NEWS AGENCY: We have hired a new science editor.

Bob: Welcome to the team, Freeman. We need you to start by editing this paper on climate change. Exxon is one of our top sponsors and they have told you to remove the bit on 80% efficiency solar panels and make it look like oil does not harm the environment.

Freeman: Ok.

3 days later:

Bob: FREEMAN! You included the bit on 80% efficiency solar panels, you made the bit on oil seem even more against the environment, and then you proved that Exxon bribes us! WHY?!

Freeman: Why? FUCK YOU, that's why.
By Jane
I Dont Know What To Search Right Now Why The Fuck Am I On Urbandictionary
When you are surfing Urban Dictionary and you reach the point of satisfaction where you've sufficed yourself with countless memes, crude humor, random slangs and whoever the fuck Samantha Mackenzie is and why she's so beautiful/amazing/etc... then you proceed to type this very sentence into the search box. You probably only wanted to search something like "I dont know what" or "I dont know what to search" which lead you to this post. Realize now that you are here, in this very point in space and time. Embrace it. Then continue to question what the fuck you're still doing on this page, and why you're still reading this.

Guy to self: "Alright, time to find out what a loli is!"

-stares blankly at screen-

Guy to self: "Wait, what was I.. ah, whatever!"

-proceeds to type out "i dont know what to search right now" and ends up on this very page, which autocompleted as "i dont know what to search right now why the fuck am I on urbandictionary" and had to be mentioned within this example because of Urban Dictionary guidelines-
By Harrietta