Define You Know What It Is Meaning

You Know What It Is
A song by T.I.

When someone recognizes, acknowledges and agrees with a statement somebody has made.

Guy 1: That was a sick touchdown.

Guy 2: You know what it is.
By Jerry
You Know What
The expression ‘you know what’ is when one may say to another to get their attention, in a conversation. One may say this expression several times throughout one conversation to ensure they still have the attention of those participating in the conversation.

‘you know what’ also is when your stating to someone about something there not aware of , or when someone constantly pays them out they use the expression.

Your outfit looks like your going clubbing not to work!
‘you know what’ no one likes you!
By Lisetta
You Know What?!
Frustrated response to something said. Passionate as well.

You know what?!!!! That ain't even right what you just said!
By Alikee
You Know What It Is
Meaning : a person wants you to give them something that belongs to you. This is normally said by the person who is robbing victims.

By Lenna
You Know What Time It Is.
Prison slang meaning you shouldn't need any explanation about the results of what you did. Whatever you did or do, it's going to get you beat the fuck up.

You stole from everyone, you snitch to the cops. Punk bitch, you know what time it is.

If you ever cross me, you know what time it is.

If you disrespect my mom, you know what time it is.
If you don't pay your taxes, you know what time it is.
By Avrit
You Know What They Say
A phrase used to relate a certain situation to a "known saying", the saying is mentioned by unknown people referred to as "They".

You know what they say, Karma's a Bitch.
By Perri
You Know What They Say
The bigger the sock, the harder the cock.

You know what they say..... the bigger the sock, the harder the cock
By Marlie
You Know What Time It Is!
A phrase used during criminal activities , like armed robbery. To tell the victim to so something in a more gangster fashion.

Man walks into convenience store
Man pulls gun on clerk
Man pulls out bag and says "You know what time it is!"
By Letitia
You Know What To Do
Another way of saying “Kill yourself” to someone after you feel you’ve overused the phrase and the receiving party is aware that you are likely to say “kill yourself

Background: Nate is famous for telling people “Kill Yourself
Ravan: bro you’re trash at this game
Nate: Yo, You know what to do
Ravan: Fuck you
By Angelina
You Know What They Say
A phrase one would yell out when wishing to pressure a certain individual into entirely consuming their alcoholic beverage/s.

They say "Bottoms up" or "Scull, scull, scull" or "Drink up" or "Don't be a little bitch".
They = party gurls

Come on! B You know what they say! Don't be a little bitch.
By Maudie