Define Youtube Comment Meaning

Youtube Comments
The only place where a polite discussion about kittens can lead to a flame war about government conspiracies.

*in youtube comments*

Person 1: That cat is quite adorable
Person 2: Yes, indeed
Person 3: I know, it's so cute the way it purrs!

*5 mins later



Person 3: I'm just gonna...uh...go to another video
By Vinni
YouTube Comments
When read, reader usually dies a little inside.

Typical YouTube Comments:

U suk u stupid n00b i fuk ur mom every nite
Arabs are smelly terrorists!
U hate BOTDF? Ur a fat ugle cunt kill urself!!! *chokes on cocks and dies of gonorhoea*
The degeneracy is extreme...
By Silva
YouTube Comments

YouTube Comments are unexplained madness.
By Alys
YouTube Comments
There are 4 types of YouTube comments:

1. Short, 1 to 3 syllable comments. These are usually positive, but are still retarded.

2. Advertisements of any kind. Usually for crappy porn sites, or for other YouTube channels.

3. Negative criticism. While this isn't usually a bad thing, the highest level of criticism on YouTube consists of insulting someone else's sexuality

4. The insane, rambling argument. These are most common on religious and political videos, and always against the ideologies espoused in the video. Often it starts out somewhat sane, but quickly declines into runon sentences about government mandated brain control.

Types of YouTube comments:

1. i like it.

2. That is awesome check out my vidz: ht t p : / / ww w. y o utu b m/ ineedtodie

3. dat vid suked ur gay u faget i suk off ur mom every nite

4. if the govnrenment didnt do 911 how com it happend on 911 it was a plan orcastrated by the us wiht help of new world order organization ho put fluorine in water 2 kil kidz mercury injections chemtrails evil jewish space aliens jfk moon landing was actually venus glucose is lethal RISE UP VOET 4 RON PAUL
By Doro
YouTube Comments
Honestly, I'm appalled.
Never in my life have I seen such volatility, such vileness, such venom, such inhumanity until I encountered the YouTube comments section when I first joined YouTube.
Everyone is opinionated to some degree; and for some reason that doesn't apply to the YouTube comments section. Trolls are everywhere. Home of the notorious flame war. Spelling and grammar are raped, beaten, tortured, shot, then hanged. Ranting will only get you hated. Once in a while the intelligent person will spring up, but you have to look for him... or her. But for the most part, it's amazing, almost laughable at how disrespectful we can be and have become.
Be careful what you write in the YouTube comments. I advise you.

YouTube comments = the epitome of misanthropy
By Hope
YouTube Comments
An unholy cesspool of poor grammar, misogyny, and trolling that has never been seen before. One of the main reasons of the term, "I've lost faith in humanity." Don't enter this place unprepared, lest you lose your sanity. Made even worse by the fact that there is a reply AND a comment ratings system, meaning those who actually bring something intelligent to talk about will be be berated for their opinion. Never has such a display of illiteracy and stupidity been given such a public promotion.

An example of the YouTube comments section:

Omg Xbox sucs so much, ps4 is gooder than xbox, xbox players sucs

Lebrick James sucks so much he the worst player ever floper crybaby

Any video about religion:
Omg Jesus is so fake anyone that believe in jesus is dum
By Kalinda
YouTube Comments
Not has such an uprising of racism, hatred, stupidity, misspellings, and other such reprehensible behaviors been seen since the founding of 4chan in 2003. Allegedly a mini-forum, so to say, to give video watchers a place to criticize, discuss, and comment. What can effectively be called the "comment section" on YouTube is truly devoid of anything redeemable in nature, where commentators seemingly try their damnedest to do anything but comment, criticize, or discuss. Reading YouTube comments on a video relating to politics, religion, stereotypes, and the like, will often compel those curious enough to let their eyes dangle at the mosh pit of insanity to wonder what has driven most of these people to achieve such great failure.

The comment section on YouTube is truly despicable, mainly due to a lack of moderation by the staff, video owners, and etcetera. True, the occasional intelligent person will seemingly slip through the waves of unintelligible jargon that YouTube renders endlessly, but they are often rare, like finding a lonely message in a bottle, floating among the waves in a sea of urine.

YouTube comments are vile in nature because, naturally, if you give man a mask of anonymity, he will show more of himself than he would anywhere else.
By Lois
Youtube Comments
In theory: A section of the video hosting website 'Youtube' where people may comment on and rate videos uploaded by users.

In reality: A complete annex of reality where factual accuracy, literacy, mutual respect and general good will are almost completely devoid. The closer a video touches upon religion, national identites and race, the more ludicrous and profane the comments section will be.

Common inhabitants (and often combatants) of this inhospitable environment are:

Zealot the Cleric, Professor Know-it-all, Professor Wiki-it-all, Armchair Activist, Keyboard Patriot, xxxEmoKidxxx, Blatant Illiterate (aka The Child who was Left Behind), Raging Homophobe, Capt. Conspiracy Nut and Sir Lastword of Ihavenojob-shire.

Person A: "You know, I really despair in humanity sometimes."

Person B: "Have you been at those youtube comments again?"
By Sibeal
Youtube Comments
The place where all logic, reason and common sense are stripped away. No place has known the sheer concentration if ignorance before youtube comments. Racism, sexism, appeal to emotion and pure hatred are commonplace.

Youtube comments are the only community to surpass 2003 4chan
By Collen
Youtube Comments
The place that is filled with fanatics, wannabe environmentalists, fake ecologists, racists, misogynists, misandrists, illiterate idiots, consiracy theorists, misanthropes, SJWs, feminazis, madmen (and madwomen), weeaboos, otakus, the mentally ill and idiots in general arguing with each other about trivial stuff that is of little to no importance in the real world. Not only that but these youtube comment sections are sometimes filled with illiteracy and poor grammar that will be enough to make professors cringe and develop drinking problems. In fact, these sections can make anyone develop drinking problems due to the sheer stupidity, fanaticism, racism, and hatred that can be found within them. Usually, these people have little to no idea about what they're talking about and the stuff that comes out of their mouths sound like fanatical, zealous, radical bullshit. Avoid this place at all costs unless you want to lose some brain cells or to lose your faith in humanity.

Youtube comments is a place that is full of insane people and fanatics arguing about unimportant bullshit.
By Louella