Define Zipper Meaning

A death trap for your wang.

"Ill be right there, I Just need to zip up my... OWWW!!!... Damn Zipper"
By Tiphanie
A practice in S&M/Bondage where a number of clothespins are pinched into the skin of the sub, and a cord is knotted on each. The clothespins are then removed using the cord either in a slow one-at-a-time "pluck" or all at once using a rip of the cord to maximize the effect at once...sometimes to coincide with orgasm.

"She trembled as she anticipated the Zipper's jolting shock to reality"
By Roselia
A zipper is a slang name for a ounce of weed....

I cant pay my rent until I sell this zipper...
By Othilie

Yo, lets get a zipper instead of an eighth of pot.
By Willie
Nickname given to the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter.

By Nani
the thing that gets in the way when ur masterbating in class and the teacher comes around. You usually get ur dick stuck in it and yell oh fuck me

"ur so hot forest. oh yeah oh yeah. damn here comes the teacher. ouch!
By Peggi
big scar from many stitches, from bullet or stab wounds, etc. or repair of autopsy incision.

By Monica
The chest scar created by heart surgery.

I have a zipper too, we were in the same hospital.
By Eddy
The opening gate to the vagina or penis

I pulled the zipper down eyes wide and said, "here what i'm going to put inside"
By Arliene
an opening that goes up and down that is usually on articles of clothing or a bag of some sort.

My zipper came undone when we bent over.
By Sara