Define 0161 Meaning

0161 is what Manchester numbers start with. Otherwise used in grime rappers from manchester 0161 mannyon the map.

So now I say 0161, Manny on the map
And the mandem get excited
By Agnes
0161 is the area code for Manchester, however it is also a catchphrase of YouTube’s stephen tries, with the follow up lineManny on the map

By Belva
0161 Manny On The Map
A phrase typically used in Manchester U.K. Referencing where they live and how it is not often recognised in the U.K.

"Hi, where are u from?"
"I'm from Manchester 0161 manny on the map " manny hi u
By Hanni
0161 Manny On The Map
Catchphrase used by Stephen Tries to display that he is from Manchester he isn't, really, using the number that Manchester numbers start with 0161. It is also used by grime rappers from Manchester.

"What are you doing here?" as said by police officer to true grime artist
"Yeah just spitting, freestyling, reppin - 0161 Manny on the map." grime artist
By Tamarah
It's a word used by muslim families that emigrated to european countries that indicates a common identity among a certain groupe of muslims that intend to convert the western world to the muslim religion. Ultimately signifying, also, a symbol that the jihad still goes on. The followers of this belief often, after using the term "0161", indicate the place where they are, so that other members of the group will know that the jihad still goes on in that specified place.

By Ilene
0161 Manny On The Map
When your a fucking seshead this word is used a lot not only to pull gyal but to make people laugh

When you die you go to Scunthorpe 😎

By Marietta