Define 184 Meaning

When you search up a number thinking it means something bad because your friends were using it just to see it was a prank.

Shane heard Christian say that 184 is hot, so he typed 184 into urban dictionary.
By Tim
184 means to "burn it down." or finish it, in a disasterous way, originating from Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria who wrote the song, "Vic the Butcher." around an incident that had happened in Madison Square Garden where Claudio got so angry that he left his wife at the event and went home, that happened in Row 184.

Guy 1: "I heard that the place across the street got totally fuckin' 184'd."
Guy 2: "No fucking way.. That place must be made of fucking ashes now."
By Ottilie
184 1st Avenue
The hottest spot in the East Villyyy. Right above the classic grade pending for health Atomic Wings Restaurant. With a hookah bar right next door with non-stop music it's always a freakin party.

Oh this experience is rad!! Yeah but it is no 184 1st Avenue, so it just ok!
Oh damn bro she isn't just hot, she's 184 1st Avenue! True bro.
By Tonia