Define Aame Meaning

Adult-Attracted Minor

Do you know Josh is a AAM? He want to date with a 23 year old person and he's 14!!
By Abbie

Bob: “I saw ‘AAM‘ in my 12 year old sisters bio, what does it stand for?”

Joe: “Adult Attracted Minor
Bob: “Wtf? I need to have a talk with her, she is an easy target for pedofiles!”
By Cyndia
Adult Attracted Minor

a term used by pedophiles to target minors into believing its okay to date older men

Kyle: its okay to be a AAM its a "sexuality"

Zane: no it isn't stop telling that to minors you sick fuck minors shouldn't be getting into any type of relationship especially not with older men
By Calley
A higher description closely related to the adjectives great fantastic and awesome

Last night's party at the club totally tired me out. It was so aames!
By Adara
at any moment

I don’t know what to do with myself aam
By Adora
Acah acah mak enon

By Lavinie
aamee is someone who loves her toxic boysss and we all know an ex she’s still feeling and that same ex is feeling her but they’re just both difficult so they’re going to act as if they don’t care when they really do. but once she moves on she’s GONE.

don’t mess with anyone called aamee or has these letters or format in their name.
By Brandy