Define C-list Celebrity Meaning

C-list Celebrity
Typically someone who is famous yet few can understand why. They are a perfect example of the "famous for being famous" paradox. Many of these people had a reason at one stage to be famous but memory of this has long since faded. In older days, the c-list was typically populated by people such as Jordan and Paris Hilton. Now with the reality television explosion, the list has grown.

C-list celebrities have difficult understand that they are really not that famous. This leads to amusing incidents where a c-list, on being told that they can't order the Pizza Hut buffet after 5pm will become angry and ask "Do you know who I am"?

A c-list doesn't need any kind of skills other than being a shameless self-publicist. Jade Goody is a good example. Although she quickly developed a reputation for being utterly thick during her stint on Big Brother, this did not stop her from carving out a career as a c-list.

Ultimately pointless. The modern day equivalent of the Roman idea of giving the people bread and circuses.

June: Have you seen the latest Hello magazine, Jordan is on the front page again. More revelations about that poor bastard of a kid she has.
Sarah: She's a c-list celebrity, she'll do anything to make sure her face is in the magazines, even if that means exploiting a child.
June: What exactly does Jordan do?
Sarah: No-one knows but she must be good at something. No-one can be this famous yet appear to have no useful abilities?
By Dyna
C-List Celebrity
People on this list are usually "famous for being famous" or reality show stars. To qualify to be called a "C-lister" you must be blissfully unaware that you aren't as famous as you claim to be or have received more fame than is proportional to your skills and talent.

By Eddie