Define Dirt Cheap Meaning

Dirt Cheap
As inexpensive as you're going to find anywhere.

"Yo check out that nigga rollin' by in that 911 over there."
"Yeah, his car might be worth a lot, but word on the street is his mom is dirt cheap."
By Becca
Soheil Dirt Cheap
Demanding to pay infinitely less than what is expected.

You got a $500 apartment for $100 bucks? OH HELLLLL NOOO!! That's Soheil dirt cheap!
By Susanna
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
1. AC/DC song

2. The stand from Jojo's bizarre adventure part 7

3. the act of sucking one's dick for a dollar

Funny Valentine: D4C
You, not a jojo fan: what
Funny Valentine: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
By Tammara