Define Diversity Hire Meaning

Diversity Hire
Most middle management in alot of industries have to tick at least one diversity box to be allowed to be promoted however a diversity hire was taken on purely to tick boxes and usually more than one. Example black, transgender lesbian head if HR equality department.

Why would someone so stupid be given a management position when there was lots of better candidates?
The company needed to reduce the gender pay gap so had to do a diversity hire.
By Laurena
Diversity Hire
Have ever looked around your company and noticed how many team leaders and lower management tick diversity boxes? These people are diversity hires. All big corporations have quoters for diversity they need to meet and by hiring and promoting people who tick the right boxes the HR team can feel they are fighting for social justice

My new ream leader is a diversity hire. Totally useless but the company will cover for him as he's black and gay
By Vernice