Define Getting Back Together Meaning

Getting Back Together
What we are never ever ever doing.

We are never ever ever getting back together.
By Cherianne
Get Back Together
Basically not dating ,not emotionally attached. but still getting down /sexing and talking

They get back together with his ex
By Jenelle
We Can Get Back Together
what a boys says when he wants you but is breaking up with you because he has to protect his reputaion as a player

him- listen, it'd not working
you- what?
him- yeah, your parents, us not seeing eachother
you- i get it, so we're done?
him- looks that way, are you okay?
you-yep, i think your confused
him- probably, maybe if we have classes together we can get back together.
you-(in you head) i'm in honors classes, we won't have anything together your an idiot.( not in your head) ok bye
By Benedetta