Define Got Trumped Meaning

Got Trumped
Got fired from work.
Referring to the popular reality tv series "The Apprentice". and Donald Trumps catch phrase "Your Fired!"

By Blythe
You Got Trumped!
1. When someone vindictively screws someone else or advances themselves at the expense/disparagement of others. 2. To discard or treat w/ contempt anyone who does not support or advance the cause/agenda of the individual

McCabe: fired 2 days before retirement after 22 yrs of faithful service; "you got Trumped!"
By Ariana
If Trump Got A Shot, So Should You!
The slogan by health experts to white racists, supremacists, and evangelicals, who irrationally and fearfully refuse to be jabbed as a result of being white-lied or misinformed by oft-pro-Trump and scientifically challenged pastors and diehard conspiracists about the risks of Covid-19 vaccines.

As doctors reminded hardcore Trumpists and QAnonists that even their “anointed” political savior had been vaccinated, their message to his faithful followers is “If Trump got a shot, so should you!”
By Angela
Trump Got A Shot, So Should You!
The slogan by health experts to pro-Trump white racists, supremacists, and evangelicals, who were dissuaded by scientifically challenged pastors and conspiracists from getting a Covid-19 vaccine, because doing so could speed up their trip to the other side of eternity.

Doctors reminded hardcore Trumpists and QAnonists that even their “anointed” political savior had been vaccinated, so the message to them is: “Trump got a shot, so should you!”
By Auberta
You Got Trumped
1. When someone vindictively screws someone else or advances themselves at the expense/disparagement of others. 2. To discard or treat w/ contempt anyone who does not support or advance the cause/agenda of the individual.

McCabe: fired 2 days before retirement after 22 yrs of faithful service; "you got Trumped!"
By Enrika