Define Grounded Video Meaning

Grounded Video
A very common type of Goanimate (aka GoToHell) video. Usually, it involves a character, usually from a kids show, having a minor infraction, then suddenly his parents appear and grounds him for an incomprehensibly long period of time , usually at least 1 million years, then the character getting grounded walks away with huge internal screeches.
These videos are often very cringeworthy, with inanimated non-PNG objects and weird movements that defy physics being commonplace. They are so cringy that some mistook them as advertisements by Clorox.

Typical grounded video:
Caillou: I am going to eat some chips
*hand moves to a bag of inanimate chips with a background*
*boris appears*
Boris: *massive internal screech* o o o o o o o o CAILLOU HOW DARE YOU EAT THAT'S IT YOUR GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED FOR 98532908774 x 10^31 YEARS!!!!!! GO TO UR ROOM NOW!!!!!!!!
Caillou: what a a a a a o *another massive internal screech*
By Marleen