Define In Tha Cut Meaning

In Tha Cut
In tha cut:
In a secluded, out of the way place where shady, illeagal or private intimate matters take place. A hide out or place where one can find privacy.
A culdasac

In tha cut:
Alley, backyard, behind a building or house in the vip of a night club. In the back dark hidden corners
By Cherry
Cut Tha Jibba' Jabba', Foo'!
Mr T-talk for "Stop talking nonsense, I cannot understand your words."

Cut tha jibba' jabba', foo'! Ah gon throw yoo foo!
By Patricia
Cut Tha Jibba' Jabba', Foo'!
Wha' you think, foo'? I' mean' CUT THA JIBBA' JABBA', FOO!

Cut tha jibba' jabba', foo'!
By Joanie