Define Jean-michel Meaning

A name derived from French origins - Often mixed with some Irish. Mocked for it's girlish qualities, this male name is unique. Most Jean-Michel's are made up from a lethal pinch of awesomeness with a dash of arrogance ; a man with an extremely large and dangerous . . . . . . smile. They know how to use their brain's, but it is non applicable when intoxicated, which is more often than not. Dating these men are like taking a chance in a Raffle, you win some ... you loose some. Enjoy and drink up, these bad boys will never mate for life.

person 1 - " i suck, i can't do anything."

person 2 - "i know, you should be more like jean-michel."

person 1 (running away screaming in fits of tears) -"Ahhhhhhhhhh. . I'll just never be that awesome. . ahhhhhhhh "
By Tami
Jean-michel Basquiat
The greatest american painter of all time.

Jean-Michel Basquiat is the greatest american painter of all time.
By Kissie
This is a fat person who can easily be assimilated to a redneck.
He lives drinking and pissing everywhere.
He has no manners and all girls are afraid of this fat piece of fat.

"Stop being a JMK"
"You are disgusting, why are you Jean-Micheling like that ? "
By Madge
Jean-michel Chemise
person with a GIANT chemise and a little Sancho in it

By Karoline