Define Junior The Forbidden One Meaning

Junior The Forbidden One
The title/official name of junior grimes (j Grimes or junior the egomaniac) as everything he does is forbidden. Many don’t wanna accept the fact that the forbidden one is very real and currently taking the form of a young man yet here he is on this very earth taking what he wants without being tied to morals.

Junior Grimes IS the forbidden one. Let no one tell any different as many will attempt to impersonate him.

there is nobody but the filthy child known as junior grimes the egomaniac, the son of sin and the father of all things forbidden.

to understand juniors is to understand that there truly is no understanding him.

the forbidden one hides in plain sight and you may have seen him before without realizing it was him.

he has many names and takes many forms yet each of them are true and represent all aspects of juniorism.

END OF DEFINITION........ for now

Exodia: I am god of this earth!

The forbidden one: *arrives*

Exodia: and just who are YOU?!

the forbidden one: I am junior the forbidden one and YOU ARE just an imitation copy, dispose of yourself at once or allow me to do it for you

Exodia: ..... *trembles in fear and shits his pussy pants*
By Darsie