Define Lesion Meaning

THe most baller of operators. Gives free drugs to random military peeps by launching it up their ass

“ Are you baller enough for lesion
By Keelia
An operator in Rainbow Six: Siege. Part of the Hong Kong special police force, he has extreme resilience to toxic chemicals after falling in a oil drum as a child. He is arguably the best solo que operator due to his unique ability, his toxic gu mines, being able to be detected by him through walls. Thus being an excellent way to gain awareness since you have nobody to make callouts. He is also known as Siege’s “Soccer Dad” due to wearing a polo shirt and khaki pants.

Lesion main: Who needs teamates to make callouts when you have a few handy heroin needles?
By Kore

Quit talking like that or you will end up like Lesion.
By Gratiana