Define Litmus Test Meaning

Litmus Test
The act of following a questionable male or female to a public restroom to determine his/her actual gender.

"Chris" wore clothes that either sex could wear, had a haircut considered tolerable of both genders, and a voice that's indistinguishable between an angel or a scruffy Southerner. So Joe did the ol' litmus test and followed Chris to the office's bathroom.
By Lizzy
Litmus Test
The act of covertly sniffing a finger that has been inserted into a woman's vagina while making out for the purpose of determining if it is safe to proceed to oral sex.

I was going to munch her box, but I ran a litmus test, and it came back positive for stank, so I just bagged it and tagged it.
By Persis
Jerkoff Litmus Test
The act of masturbating before deciding whether or not you will make social contact with a girl. Performing this test lets you make sure you're thinking with the correct head before proceeding to talk-to/meet-with a girl that you would otherwise regret making contact with.

After doing a jerkoff litmus test I realized that more than half of the female contacts in my phone are worthless.
By Karlyn