Define M.o.s Meaning

Multiple Orgasm Syndrome -

An ever-looming threat that hangs around the corner for all of us. Happens whenever we see someone wearing a comically sexy outfit such as jorts or socks and sandals. Results in a lot of cumming and moaning and is uncontrollable.

"Bro you shouldn't wear those jorts you don't wanna give the ladies M.O.S."
By Demeter
millennial outrage syndrome (MOS): the constant need to find outrage in everything all the time.

Jeff has a raging case of M.O.S.
By June

I have engaged in foreplay with an M.O.S.
By Carina
Some one who is not related to you but is older mentally and is close enough to be your sister.

Sarah is My M.O.S
By Cathryn
Make Out Session. Normally takes place while intoxicated. Not to be confused with F.O.S which is a fire up session, or a F.I.S. (when you fire inside a girls guts, deposit your kids in the women's belly).

We M.O.S.'ed (pronounced mossed) for a long time.
By Kara-Lynn
man of steel (or 'men')

the 'macho man' who has huge pain tolerance, physically OR emotionally!; ESPECIALLY WHEN DRUNK!!

jack was a true M.O.S.!! he took on some killer bikers and got seriously thrashed, but bounced back like a turd that wouldn't flush!

he didn't know what he was in for challenging those M.O.S.

the special op M.O.S. kept on shooting after losing part of a leg, until he keeled over from blood loss!
By Alli
M.O.S.=Member of Society:

someone who works, doesn't live with his parents and has a girlfriend. As well as this he does things regualr people do like go to the gym, wear a suit to work and buys beers in rounds at the pub.

that boy wears a suit to work, he's an M.O.S.

I saw him jogging with his girlfriend, what an M.O.S.

mate he's busy being an M.O.S. he ain't gonna come out.
By Ranice

Lara is M.O.S, she hasn't answered in 30 minutes.
By Devondra
Stands for "Manual Orifice Sex". Describes when a man manually cuts a hole in someone and sticks his cock into the hole. This is the fastest way to get HIV.

Guy 1: "Hey dude, did you here about the one guy who killed that girl by M.O.S?"
Guy 2: "No dude I didn't, that is sick."
Guy 1: "Yah well at least he got HIV."
By Dannie