Define Manji Meaning

Technique used in drifting with cars. This is a slow swaying faint like drift where the rear end sways back and forth down a strait.

Dude, look at Chris manji in his Skyline.
By Trudey
An example of the Crux Gammata. Is a lunar symbol and is affiliated wth bhuddism and magic, mystery. Often genaric for the sauvastika the reverse of the swastika(the emblem the nazi's perverted). Used as a sacred symbol in most non-western cultures. The word is japanese in orgin.

The manji marks out temples on this Japanese map.
By Sheila-Kathryn
The Crux Gammata. This symbol is also known as the swastika, a name derived from the Sanskrit svastika. As a symbol of prosperity and good fortune, the swastika was widely used in the ancient world. The swastika, known as the Manji in Japanese which moves in a counterclockwise direction stands for Night and Magical practices and is generally considered a solar symbol. It was this version that was perverted by the Nazis and used as their symbol.

I am so getting a manji tattooed on my back!
By Eada
adjective: exotically beautiful

Salma is Manji.
By Brynne
The symbol "卍"
That symbol has different meanings to different cultures and communities. Besides japanese buddhism, It's slang in Japan. Used typically by teenagers at the end of sentences to express how cool something is or to add emphasis. (Depending on the context of course)

*Japanese text* #卍

By Berri
An L server that nobody should join Lmao

Manji is another way of saying shit because it is shit , for example iā€™m gonna take a manji or your full of manji
By Dorette
Technique used in drifting with cars. This is a slow swaying faint like drift where the rear end sways back and forth down a strait.

Manji also likes to Drinks on Thursday and puke on drifting cars , back and forth

Fav day Thursday
By Ange