Define Political Correctness Meaning

Political Correctness
A concept that is practiced and dominant in the liberal media. It protects only the people of "marginal" groups from being offended so bad. The most minor joke about one of these groups can get you labelled a racist, sexist, bigot, etc., thanks to political correctness.

By Lesley
Political Correctness
A sign of mental illness common among paranoid twits. A guilt complex embraced by liberals to show their shallowness.

Excuse me, person of color! May I touchy-feely your penis puulleezzze?
By Rosina
Political Correctness
Something I flatly refuse to conform to

What do you call a spade?

Average person: I call a 'spade' a 'spade'
PC dimwit: I call a 'spade' an 'excavation instrument'
Me: I call a 'spade' a 'fucking shovel'!!!
By Diane
Political Correctness

"We can't have movies like Blazing Saddles, or shows like Monty Python of Beavis & Butthead because of political correctness!! >.< watch, if I put up some movie with fucked-up humor, it'll be taken off not because it's racist or stupid or anything, but because of politics!!! >_
By Aurea
Political Correctness
Political correctness is far more than just silly, constipated speech codes. It is an entire moral outlook and cultural ethos -- namely, that of the political Left.

Basically, a person or thing is considered 'politically correct' when it gives positive strokes to the Left's angelic, messianic self-conception.

Lefties like to demonize anybody who dares to criticize them, but I decline to reciprocate. I don't think they are demons; I think they are all too human. They are "dodging the grim shadow of self-knowledge", fearing the unavoidable Loss of Innocence this would bring, and the frank acknowledgement that they too are part of the human slime-mold --
capable of foul behavior and bad judgement just like everybody else. It's time for them too get off their friggin' pedestal.....

I could go on and on describing what political correctness is, but I'll content myself with the brief observation that what I've written here is 180 degrees opposite to it.

I'm pretty sure that a few politically correct people will read this and think I am talking about somebody else....
By Cristie
Political Correctness
Being politically correct means always having to say your sorry.

Sensitivity training, or any of the other thousands of idiotic liberal concepts.
By Chickie
Political Correctness
How the DEMOCRATS divided this country and splintered us into two Americas.

We were NOT this divide before Bill Clinton.That is a fucking fact!

And I voted for the fucker so don't tell me otherwise you bloody nutsuckers!

Clinton is evil!!!!!

I think he's the devil...
By Gwynne
Political Correctness

By Jacinta
Political Correctness

STERILE SPEECH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They also hate the 2nd amendment as well as freedom of religion and due process
By Missy
Political Correctness
what liberal bastards use to hide there prejudice

the word african american is politically correct and bullshit because not even africans call themselves africans and because they ar'nt from africa themselves and because there are infact white africans in the future just say black
By Beverlee