Define Saotome Meaning

The last name of Genma, Ranma ½ and Jin(Capcom).

Ranma Saotome is the son of Genma Saotome.
By Edee
A stupid meatbag that foolishly defies Bubbleman, thus he is not intelligent at all.

Syn. with "Stupid"
antonym: "Pimp"

By Jaquith
Mary Saotome
A main character in the anime/manga kakegurui. She is a skilled gambler and I adore her. The majority of the fandom kins her (idk y, probs cause she comes across as having quite raw emotions which can be relatable). Yumeko is who most ship her with, however, in season 2 she has her moments with the Vice President.

She is also has a spin off series called Kakegurui twin where she is the main protagonist!

Hey mate, who’s your favourite character in Kakergurui?”

Pffffft, Mary Saotome of course,”
By Bobbee
Jin Saotome
Jin Saotome is a Mecha Pilot for the E.G.A. (Earth Government Army) that uses his giant red Mecha the Blodia in his battles against evil forces. Jin is always dressed in a white leather flightsuit with silver armored sections, and sports a white bandana with a big red "V" on it.

Hot headed and loud-mouthed, Jin is always the first to race into battle. Jin also has a unique ability to convert his anger and rage into kenetic fire that engulfs his feet and hands during combat, giving him unmatched power and destructive force.

Jin Satotome's apperances include the Cyberbots import game, TechRomancer, and Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2 where he remains the strongest, yet most unplayed character in the series.

"Jin Saotome needs to get a grip on his anger! That boy has some issues..."
---Captain America
By Norina
Jin Saotome
Big-mouthed dude from Cyber Bots (?) and the Marvel vs. Capcom games. Looks good in his underwear ;p Battles with a gigantic robot called Blodia.

Me gusta mucho a Jin Saotome.
By Ronni
Miss Aeysh Saotome
a girl whos inlove w mary saotome from kakegurui 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she even used the sound which contains the words ‘in love with a white girl, she soft as powder, i get hard around her’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥶🥶

person 1: do you know who miss saotome is??!

miss aeysh saotome: me.
By Shoshana