Define Smooth Jazz Meaning

Smooth Jazz
A niche form of pop music that is appreciated by people who don't like jazz. They think it sounds cool to be a smooth jazz listener and don't realize that it's not jazz at all. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the difference between jazz and smooth jazz is like the diffference between lightning and a lightning bug.

She claims to like jazz but anything other than smooth jazz is too far out for her.
By Liv
Smooth Jazz

Smooth jazz is great for elevators, cubicles, and the dentist's office.
By Goldina
Smooth Jazz
A musical genre characterized by bland instrumental watered-down jazz; the soundtrack for men inbetween mid-life-crisises.
Every city has a radio station devoted to this brand of ambient droning -- usually called "The Oasis."

Was it just me, or was that elevator ride made more enjoyable by the smooth jazz stylings played at a reasonable volume?

Smooth jazz talked my parents into having sex last night.

My dad and the elevator both listen to "The Oasis."
By Janie
Smooth Jazz
A metaphorical tub of musical shit.

I would rather swallow a jar of potassium cyanide, attend a Kenny G concert, play tag on the freeway, or stick my head in an open fire than listen to smooth jazz.
By Thelma
Smooth Jazz
A slang phrase of affirmation, meaning "okay", "cool", and or "that's what I'm talkin' about!".

Man #1 - "Hey, we're gonna be late if we don't leave now. Where are you?"
Man #2 - "I'm outside. I just pulled into the driveway."
Man #3 - "Smooth Jazz."

Guy A - "How did the game go? Did you do anything special?
Guy B - "We won by one point. I hit the game-winner."
Guy A - "Smooth Jazz!"
By Mimi
Smooth Jazz
an expression replacing "rly cool", "amaizing", "funky", "awesome", "great", ect.

do not use sparingly because if used right, this phrase can make people want to be your friend. just kidding, it cant do something like that cuz probobly no one wants to be your friend. your a loser. but saying this phrase will make you sound just the slightest bit cooler than u really are. 'nough said.

*WARNING* this phrase is comonly mistaken for something dirty

*real life conversation with the use of this phrase*

HANNAH: youre a silly-monster
ZACH: well.. if im a silly- monster, then youre a fun dinosaur
HANNAH: yaaayyyyy! but wait, can i be a fun dino-corn pweeaaseeeee??? cuz thats more SMOOTH JAZZ.
ZACH: fiiine
By Marietta
Smooth Jazz

And now here's your local forcast. (Smooth Jazz plays in the background)
By Noellyn
Smooth Jazz
Instrumental pop music that gives jazz a bad name. Only referred to as jazz because many of the people that play it are saxophone players, and as soon as something is played on a saxophone, you can automatically sell it as "jazz" to the general public because many people can't tell the difference. They simply hear something played on a saxophone and automatically categorize it as jazz.

Real jazz, on the other hand, involves things like walking bass lines, swinging rhythms, and a lot of improvisation. There are a huge amount of sub-genres in jazz: traditional jazz, swing, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, Latin jazz, soul jazz, gypsy jazz, etc.

Person 1: I play saxophone. Most of the stuff I play is jazz.
Person 2: Oh, you mean smooth jazz, like Kenny G?
Person 1: NO! I mean real jazz, like Charlie Parker, Lester Young, John Coltrane, and Wayne Shorter.
By Esmeralda
Smooth Jazz
Apparently, everyone who's put a definition for smooth jazz is an incompetent moron. Smooth jazz requires the same amount of effort and work as any other type of jazz. Smooth jazz is usually more creative and innovative.

Stupid Person: L0l!!!!11!1 smo0the jass iz 4 elavait0rzz!!!11!1 lyzzen 2 sum reel gazz lyke mylezz daivus!!!11!1

Smooth Jazz is just as good as regular jazz.

By Karlyn