Define Sveta Meaning

Shorter version of a Baltic female name Svetlana which means light. She is a girl who is always positive, energetic and smiling. Generally they are curly blonde and dancing totally crazy, automatic, electronic and cybersonic.

Hey you are the star of the club tonight. You are totally Sveta!
By Tamra
In London Russian-speaking circles, Sveta means a typical golddigger/wannabe golddigger of Russian-speaking origin, usually implying low thics, low intelligence, someone who cares only about how expensive her clothes/bag/presents are.

Last night Jake was in a club with a Sveta. Next thing he knows - £1,000 champagne bill under his name.
- That bitch left Alex for Ahmed. She said to Alex that he didn't care that much about her. In reality - it's because she wants Birkin bag that badly.
- She is such a Sveta!
By Maria