Define Tai Lopez Meaning

Tai Lopez
The mother fucker who advertises shitty videos (on YouTube) of him in his garage. Knowledge!!!

Here in my garage. Just bought this new Lamborghini. Fun driving up here in the Hollywood Hills. But you know what I like more than materialistic things? KNOWLEDGE!!! In fact I'm more proud of these 7 new bookshelves I had to get installed to hold 2,000 new books I bought. Its like the billionaire Warren Buffett says. "The more you learn, the more you earn." You may have seen by Ted X talk, where I talk about reading a book a day. And I don't do it to show off. And I don't keep this Lamborghini to show off either. I keep it as a REMINDER!!! A reminder dreams are still possible. In fact, it wasn't so long ago I was living in a mobile home, sleeping in a couch, halfway across the country, with 47 dollars in my bank account. I didn't have a degree or anything and I had no opportunities. But then... I bumped in to a MENTOR and a another and soon I had met 5 mentors... and they all taught me 3 things I did to succeed in LIFE. This is TAI LOPEZ being shitty
By Virgie
Tai Lopez
A scammer or a person who wants a small lone of your money.

"Your such a tai lopez!" He said angrily.
By Elva
Tai Lopez
The art of reading a book a day to gain knowledge to buy a Lamborghini to drive around the Hollywood hills while recording yourself "here in my garage".

I got in touch with Tai Lopez's 5 mentors and they taught me to live the life of health wealth and happiness. I am reading a book a day for the KNOWLEDGE so I have to get bookshelves installed to hold my thousands of books.
By Lyssa
Tai Lopezing
1) Acquiring knowledge through the process of reading a single book every 24 hours, or by any other conventional or non conventional means.
2) The act of owning a Lamborghini and living in the Hollywood hills.
See also: tai lopez

*Man gets knowledge injected into scull*
Ben: What the fuck is he doing?
Nick: That's called tai lopezing.
By Lou
Tai Lopez Money
Possessing so much money that your able to meet Rihanna and get everything for free just because people have seen your ted ex talk show

Hey look at John over there he’s so rich!”
“Yeah he’s got that tai Lopez money
By Stacey