Define The Blues Brothers Meaning

The Blues Brothers
Quite possibly the best movie ever, starring the late great John Belusi, and also starring Dan Ackroyd. About two blues musicans who need money for a orphanage, so they get their blues band together. All along they are on the run from the law for henious crimes committed.

By Lydia
The Blues Brothers
Greast musical ever created. Stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, and also has a slew of guest stars: Aretha Franklin, James Brown, and ray charles are just a few. This movie depicts two brothers, Jake and elwood, trying to raise enough money for an orphanage to stay up and running by reuniting an old blues band. The brothers Run into the law, Nazis, and disgruntled Country Singers. These two will stop at nothing to accomplish their task, after all "they're on a mission from God".

Dude, "The Blues Brothers" has got to be Dan Aykroyd's best movie ever, even though he does not have alot of great films anyway.
By Evangelin
Blues Brothers
Blues Brothers is a movie produced in 1978, starring Dan Aykroyd, and John Belushi. Including the musical talents of many legends, including James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Cab Calloway, and Ray Charles, it is a comedy, and also includes one of the best car chases in history. It was the first movie to actually destroy a shopping mall, and the first to film on location in the City of Chicago.

The Blues Brothers themselves are two brothers, "Joliet" Jake and Elwood, who scour the city of Chicago, reuniting their band members, to raise money for the orphanage in which the two grew up. Jake is also being relentlessly pursued by his enurotic and sociopathic ex-fiancee, played by Carrie Fisher ((AKA Princess Leia)). Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, who portray the two brothers, do all their own singing and dancing. Dan Aykroyd designed the Bluesmobile.

I was watching the Blues Brothers last night, because it's so darn kewl.
"We're on a mission from God."
By Anderea
Blues Brother

By Sue
Blues Brothers Loadout
Honest to God only having a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, its night and wearing sunglasses while being at a minimum 106 miles from Chicago or anywhere else. Generally, taking a roadtrip with little or nothing to your name for survival.

I'm headed to Atlanta with a Blues Brothers Loadout.
By Tess
Blues Brothering Yourself
When you mix Black breakfast tea, Black coffee, and Redbull or monster creating a breakfast version of the speedball a mixture of Cocain and Heroin what killed Jake from the Blues Brothers

When you really want to sleep though class, just Blues Brothers yourself

I really just want to really fucking sleep for 5 hours.

Don't go full on Blues Brothering yourself, you'll sleep forever.
By Queenie